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Senin, 31 Januari 2011

World Forex Market

Forex market is open 24 hours continuous 5 days per week. The table below us to be 2 which is based on the New York Times when Day Light Saving Time (DST) and Eastern Standard Time (EST or ET). Starting on 9 March 2008 - 2 November 2008 using the DST (GMT 11 hours faster than the NY Time DST), whereas on 2 November 2008 - March 8, 2009 using the EST (GMT 12 hours faster than the NY Times EST), and so on. For a full list can you check in
Timezone New York (ET / EDT) GMT GMT Tokyo Open 7:00 pm 7:00 00:00 Tokyo Close 4:00 am 9:00 16:00 London Open 3:00 8:00 15:00 pm London Close 12:00 pm 17:00 00:00 New York Open 8:00 am 13:00 20:00 New York Close 5:00 pm 22:00 5:00

New York Timezone (DST) GMT GMT Tokyo Open 7:00 pm 6:00 23:00 Tokyo Close 4:00 am 8:00 15:00 London Open 3:00 7:00 14:00 pm London Close 12:00 pm 16:00 23:00 New York Open 8:00 am 12:00 19:00 New York Close 5:00 pm 21:00 4:00

World Forex Market Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: masterprofit